I don't know if this is accurate, but...
I just read on 2ch that It's Party Time only made it to (or is currently at, shall we say) #139.
Can anyone confirm this?
Yes. Sadly, unbelievably, it's true.
Thanks to amj.
I just read on 2ch that It's Party Time only made it to (or is currently at, shall we say) #139.
You might have seen an old Halcali page on Myspace. It was obviously not made by them, so I never paid it any attention. Anyway, now Patrick lets us know that Halcali has an official Myspace page, complete with blog entries in English.
Here's Halcali performing the new single on NHK's Music Japan. I actually missed this myself (it's on in the middle of the night for some reason), so I'm glad someone else got it up. The quality of the footage is pretty bad, but you get the idea. Not sure about the munchkins though, and is that Halcali's regular DJ, DJ Non? I can't make his face out through all the pixels.
I never really took to Drive My Dreams as an album title anyway, it reminded me too much of a Volkswagon advert.
エピック移籍後待望のニューアルバムが遂に完成!!エピック移籍後、シングル5枚をリリースしてきたHALCALI。前作から2年7ヶ月ぶりとなる待望のアルバムが遂にリリースリリース!!アルバムプロデューサーには、O.T.F、宇多丸(RHYMESTER)、ナタリーワイズ、HONESTY、Fantastic Plastic Machineら彼女達の作品には欠かせないアーティストは勿論の事、Dr.kyOn(ex BO GUMBOS)、RAMRIDER、YOUR SONG IS
The first album they’ve made since the move to Epic Records has finally been finished! We can’t wait for this one!
Halcali has released 5 singles since they changed labels to Epic Records. It’s been 2 years and 7 long months since their last album, and now at last the new one we have so many expectations for is finally here! Featuring production work from O.T.F, Utamaru (RHYMESTER), Natalie Wise, HONESTY, and Fantastic Plastic Machine, along with these other artists who the girls just couldn’t have done without- Dr.kyOn (ex Bo Gumbos), Ramrider, Your Song is Good, and Polysics!! On top of that the album features Skaparahorns as guest musicians, and on top of that it even has an appearance by Kendo Kobayashi! This truly is this summers must have album!!
(The limited edition CD comes with a DVD which has music videos for all 5 singles)
A friend e-mailed me to say that Halcali will be appearing as guests on Zip FM's Lachic Century Session in Sakae, Nagoya.
Here it is.
Halcali will play at the Japan Expo in France (July 6th-8th).
The festival is taking place from 11am-8pm on july 6th-8th (you can get in at 10am with advance tickets). Tickets are available through FNAC stores and via www.fnac.com. It's 12 Euros for 1 day, 24 for two, and 28 for all 3 days.
Halcali is performing at around 5 pm on Sunday the 8th of July, right after Yoshiki finishes.
It's at the Parc d'Expositions, which is a 20-minute train ride from central Paris -- it's not far from Charles de Gaulle Airport. If you buy your tickets there, they're not taking bills above 50 euros, and you must have ID if you're paying by check.
The other musical acts include: Nana Kitade, Ichiro Mizuki, Gari, Dio, and Yoshiki.
The festival seems to be heavy on manga/anime culture, although there will also be martial arts and cultural demonstrations, and trivia games. There's not much else besides Halcali I'm personally interested in, although they haven't posted the full program yet (including the schedule of musical acts).
The Halcali page on the site is basically a rewritten version of the official Sony bio (which should be obvious). No real concert info.
On the forum page, most people are basically writing that they haven't heard of Halcali, but they sound cool. A few people have seen their videos and claim to be big fans.
HALCALI / Drive My Dreams(仮)【DVD付初回限定盤】 (CD)
商品番号 ESCL-2984_7/18発売
通常価格 3,360円 (税込) 送料別
2007/7/18 発売