Long Kiss Good Bye mp3
Here's a rip of the live version of the upcoming Halcali single Long Kiss Good Bye taken from their performance of it at Girl Pop '08.
Long Kiss Good Bye
It's an mp3 rip of the live version (taken from this Naruto site), but the quality is terrific.
I'm saving my usual thoughts and impressions until a few more of us have had a chance to listen to it a few times and digest it. I'll tell you this though- it's NOT the weak Tip Taps Tip knock off we were expecting.
Give it a few listens, then let us know what you think!
Thanks to julia for the Naruto link and many thanks to gilgamehearts for the rip.
It's out! Here it is (albeit heavily edited) on Naruto.
Can't wait for this! Seriously, I haven't been this into a Halcali single for ages. The chorus sticks like bubblegum. OK, so it's has a bit of that anime theme tune predictability to it, and progresses pretty much as you'd expect, but I found myself listening to this over and over again, and because I like it this time, not because (as with Look and a few others) I was trying to like it.
By all accounts, the Ram Rider produced b-side is quality too.
Even those of you who aren't as impressed, would you place this over TTT and Look as Halcali's best anime tie in number?