Pictures of Halcali at the Japan Expo
Hasuko sent in these excellent pictures taken at Halcali's Japan Expo gig. メルシー!
This gig looked like being so much fun! The live guitar's a great touch. Fingers crossed for something happening over here sooner rather than later.
Thanks again to Hasuko!
- And here's a great quality video of Tip Taps Tip from the gig (thanks to Ludovic!).
- And another (Shibafu)!
- Here's Twinkle Star (thanks to ica ross for this). What do you make of the added guitar on this track?
- spikeur (the "guy in a hat" above) took some great pictures of his own. To anyone who went to the signing, did you have to buy something there first to get them to sign it?
- Here's a review of the gig.
Nice pictures indeed !
Here is another video of the sunday show :
The quality is much better than the ones you find on youtube. The song is 'Tip taps Tip'.
Enjoy !
8:12 PM
Thanks for the video, I hope somehow we get to see the whole set in that quality. The merci beaucoup's were too cute.
10:15 PM
Hihi ! I'm happy to see that the photos please you ^^
I also very liked when they began to speak in french ! =D Their accent is so cuuuute !! ^3^ They told us "Nous sommes contentes d'être là !" (= 'We are happy to be there', in english) and "Vive la France" !! =D They also asked us before the song "Tip Taps Tips": "est-ce que vous connaissez cette chanson ?" (= 'do you know this song ?', in english) Héhéhé ! x3 Of course i knowed all their song ! x3
Some songs was translated in french too (with the giant ecran) and i realized that their song "Shibafu" was really beautiful *.*
I really wish they'll come back to France ! They'll always be welcome !!! ^____^
7:13 PM
Another great vid of the show : ;)
10:06 PM
great pictures! i'll have to check out the videos later. ^_^
the official site has been given a sexy face-lift! also, there are previews for all of the album tracks up already.
overall, they seem pretty decent, but the title track sounds awesome. o_o hardcore fast rapping like we havent heard since Otsukare Summer.
im super excited to get my copy now!! ( ^o^)/*
4:21 AM
Thanks! I think we spotted that at about the same time. It's difficult to keep up with all the new information coming out.
ludovic- thanks again!
9:56 AM
those videos are great!
i forgot how gorgeous shibafu is. ive always really liked that song, but i havent played it in soooo long.
they looked cute, and sounded awesome. hopefully we'll be getting these on a dvd sometime in the future. that'd be really nice.
the only thing that bothered me, was that the guitar solo in shibafu seemed a bit too harsh. it kind of ruined the beautiful mood of the rest of the song.
still good though. thanks for putting them up! ^_^
7:23 PM
Please, if possible can you get whoever uploaded pictures of HALCALI to release them under the GFDL so we can include them on the wikipedia? thanks ever so.
11:36 PM
I'm assuming you're referring to this
Why do you need that to put it on wiki? And secondly, how would you go about doing it?
2:42 AM
Another video of Japan Expo gig (Twinkle Star) :
12:30 PM
i just found this blog.
haha i'm the guy with a Hat on a pic :p
if you wanna see the dedication at Japan Expo :
me :
my friend :
And here are my pics :
Thanks ^^
12:27 AM
sora- those are my thoughts on Shibafu exactly. I get the feeling that the Onagaku reassessment is getting long overdue.
10:26 AM
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